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Community VBS set July 25-28


By Sidney Bartee

Volunteers began setting up for Community Vacation Bible School on Sunday, July 18, with the four-day event scheduled for July 25-28.

Children who are four by Sept. 1 through students who have completed sixth grade are invited to attend “Destination Dig.”

The program begins at 5:30 p.m. each night at the First Baptist Church, with workers from most local churches involved.

Meals and activities are provided to those who attend.

Parents can pick up students at 8:15 p.m. Sunday through Tuesday, but everyone is encouraged to stay and watch a special program on Wednesday.

Wednesday night will first begin with a hot dog supper at 6:15 p.m. and the children’s program at 7:00 p.m. 

After the program, students and parents can go to the city pool for snow cones and a family swim night.

Families also have the opportunity to win prizes on Wednesday.

Prizes include multiple $150 Walmart gift cards, and children who stay to the end of the program will be entered to win a free snow cone every day for the rest of summer break. 

Parents can call Betsy Spraberry at 325-660-1516 or co-director Ginger Bumguardner at 325-660-5420 with questions.

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